This is a picture of the junior teachers. They have no university training and inhabit the same slum, yet they are producing outstanding scores on the government tests ALREADY, albiet for a smaller portion of the students than we would like. Here they are demanding more services from the Mandal Resource Person. This was the first visit by this new MRP to the Rainbow School and he will remember these five. From left (and closest to the camera) to right is: Sunitha, Neha (in the glasses), Divya, our new teacher Sidya (third standard), then Adi Laxmi with her hand toward the camera. They are in this school body and soul. Every meeting, every walk around with any government offical, they are there. Here they are (below) with Kalpana, like a Greek chorus in saris, silently standing in a row, daring the MRO to impress them. They are so eager to learn. Today, a veteran teacher and brilliant, kind soul, Mrs. Kumar, came to speak to them for teacher training. You would have thought ...
a Government School in the Masthan Nagar Neighborhood, Hyderabad