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Showing posts from April, 2007

Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad

Most Indian government schools lack electricity and running water. The meeting pictures on the left is exactly on those issues: electricity and water. Indian government schools also usually lack any budget for cleaning. In one case, a local school near us was given 80 rs a week for a cleaner. The cleaner told the heamistress would only clean one bathroom for that kind of money, so the school shut and locked the remaining bathrooms. The Rainbow School is a bit luckier, the new building will be an excellent facility. However, electricity and the operating parameter of very little budget for cleaning remains. What the government can give is so little, private funds are required to really get the job done. ( for more information on utilities and government schools) Municipal Garbage Pick-Up This quarter, our regular staff found new help from the Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad (MCH). MCH is responsible for garbag...

Venkatesh Hits the Museum

We took our little artist Venkatesh (see post "Police-Community Relations") to the local museum. Campbell and Manjula, his sister, came, too. It was a blast! And the last picture is his latest creation. We gave it to the Commissioner for our local municipal board (more on the commissioner next post). Venkatesh says this is what our new school building will look like: