Plot Boundary Documents, The Rainbow School The link above is to a PDF file of the original papers showing the boundaries of the plot exactly behind "The Rainbow School" plot and the school's plot itself. They correspond to those "Kadi Stones" shown in the previous video. You can see the little dots on the lines right above the word "Village Boundary" that show the placement of the stones. You can see corresponding marks on the last page, the most recent boundary marks for the school's plot. (I asked for a re-draw of the plot last January, just to be sure we were all squared up.) It is so very cool to have a window into this typically windowless paperwork system. You see, we currently have a claim against these very clear boundary marks. However, the credit for the first e-mailed document I ever received from the Indian government goes to the District Rural Development Agency, the best run district office in Ranga Reddy. They all have com...
a Government School in the Masthan Nagar Neighborhood, Hyderabad