We got the call, the DC wanted to meet at 3 PM on Wednesday. Ismail and I ran to the district office, met with everyone at the SSA office, then tracked down the DEO to walk over to the DCs office. The Joint Collector was there, the DC sat us all down, went over each of the four points and BOOM. We got everything. I'm not shocked. Praveen Prakash is very good. After six months, I think he trusts us. Usha stays at Masthan Nagar another year, we got a new electricity connection, 2.4 laks more for the building fund (the toilet block was expensive, $2,000 U.S.!) and the Joint Collector will come and see about Plot #2 on Saturday at 11:00 AM. NEXT UP? The DC hasn't seen the last of me. See http://rangareddyeducationgroup.blogspot.com We are two months before a ban on transferring bureaucrats (due to Indian election laws, forbids any transfers one year before elections). We have NO SSA officer to run the SSA program for the district. We request the DC to get us a new SSA of...