Almost one year ago, Usha Madam came to the United States. She stayed in California for three months at her son's house, which is 10 minutes from my house. We had a fantastic time visiting! Usha Madam found a great source of inspiration in her daughter-in-law, Rani. Rani was a physics major and worked as a very young woman in India. She "retired" when her son arrived and they moved to the United States. (Working visa for one spouse = no working visa for the other spouse.) Every semester, Rani takes a course from the local community college. She just finished a class on Java programming. Usha Madam saw this during her visit and she was amazed. She was amazed by the "life-long learner" culture and the vast number of courses available for adult education. Usha Madam never said a word to anyone, but she started a plot to bring adult education to the Rainbow School the minute she left the United States. Last week, Usha Madam informed me that Adult Education ...
a Government School in the Masthan Nagar Neighborhood, Hyderabad