I immediately ordered "Rainbow Head" wigs. Just kidding.
We all stayed after the meeting to remove a thick layer of sand from the floor of our hut. It was making a mess during school time, dust was always in the air. There were one hundred little hands scurrying to fill buckets with sand, then tussling over who got to use the shovel to put the sand in the buckets. Other kids were fighting over who got to take the buckets of sand to the sandpile. The teachers formed a bucket line to pass the buckets down to the place to dump the sand. I helped them. As buckets came by, we would say "This is ice cream!" or "This is veg biriyani!" There were also a few three- and four-year-olds who forced their way onto the worksite. They had tiny little buckets they would fill with sand, the put on their heads (like their mommies) and walk, very straight and tall, to the bucket line. Whenever we would see one of those tiny buckets come down, we would just crack up. Another amazing day at the school I will never forget.
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