We are dealing with some paperwork.
1) We requested three more junior teachers, "Vidya Volunteers," 1,000/mos salaries as directed by the district level bureaucrat on 2 August 2007. Paperwork is into the lower level bureaucrat, working up to the district level. (1 and 1/2 months and counting)
2) A Utilization Study for the work done to date on the building is underway at the district level. I'm organizing coordination between our contractors and the government engineers. (Only 1 week and counting!)
3) 4 March 2007, we received additional land for a preschool but we need paperwork from an adjoining neighbor, a state-level bureaucracy called the A.P. Tourism Department, to hand this land to our bureaucrat at the lower level. (6 months and counting)
4) We requested government funding for the preschool (called an Early Childhood Education Center, ECEC) from the lower level bureaucrat. (2 months and counting)
5) We requested a government nurse be reinstated (ours was transferred). I went to the municipal level, and they were most helpful. (1 month and counting)
Life is a Dilbert cartoon.
Here is our file... getting thicker by the day. Imagine how great it would be if all the departments coordinated on Google Documents? Everyone would have the same thing, see what every other government department was doing. The various education department would have what the engineers have what the DRDA has...

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