The heavens bless the good people at the Indian Administrative Reforms Commission. They stick pins in the bureaucratic voodoo doll. The ARC released their 12th report and they dared call for more transparency, including more Social Audits. With Ganesha's helps, will they push for a more open budget process next?
One example: Once budgeted/appropriated central government funding reaches the states, the states can spend it or return it. It depends on how badly they want to keep their state accounts in the dark from central government audits. Central government mandated programs can remain unfunded... like massive education programs to be carried out on a "war footing" basis.
The good people at ARC posted their 12th report here:
The Open Budget Institute India page is here:
Today starts my tiny, virtual pooja to Ganesha for an Indian open budget process.
One example: Once budgeted/appropriated central government funding reaches the states, the states can spend it or return it. It depends on how badly they want to keep their state accounts in the dark from central government audits. Central government mandated programs can remain unfunded... like massive education programs to be carried out on a "war footing" basis.
The good people at ARC posted their 12th report here:
The Open Budget Institute India page is here:
Today starts my tiny, virtual pooja to Ganesha for an Indian open budget process.

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