Report Card Grade: B!

Using the Central Government exam for primary school students, the average grade for most Rainbow School classes are B for the permanent students (and 10% earning A grades), and C for transient students.
Last year, on the old state exam, most of the classes earned A grades. But an A on the old exam would earn a C on the new exam. B grades on the new exam are actually an indication of improved student learning. Raising the standards with more challenging exams has helped the school.
Transient students make up about one quarter new students: every few months some families migrate in and out for work. I expected lower grades from the transient students, I’m not sure what is going on here but will investigate. (i.e.: Are the other schools they migrate in an out of showing signs of effective teaching?)
Last night, I talked to Vijaya Madam, the headmistress. She reports that the next quarter exams are in April and the teachers are working hard so that more students will earn an A grade.

Using the Central Government exam for primary school students, the average grade for most Rainbow School classes are B for the permanent students (and 10% earning A grades), and C for transient students.
Last year, on the old state exam, most of the classes earned A grades. But an A on the old exam would earn a C on the new exam. B grades on the new exam are actually an indication of improved student learning. Raising the standards with more challenging exams has helped the school.
Transient students make up about one quarter new students: every few months some families migrate in and out for work. I expected lower grades from the transient students, I’m not sure what is going on here but will investigate. (i.e.: Are the other schools they migrate in an out of showing signs of effective teaching?)
Last night, I talked to Vijaya Madam, the headmistress. She reports that the next quarter exams are in April and the teachers are working hard so that more students will earn an A grade.
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