Today is the big day!!! The government released funding for our school! Almost $13,000 dollars were awared for construction two floors, four classrooms. This is a public-private partnership, so the private funders (which will be a combination of the student's parents, other private individuals, and foundations) will fnd the remaining floor, which will include the staff rooms and assembly areas. All KIND of goodies are planned, but I want those to be a surprise.
Who are these handsome devils? The one of the left is the senior bureaucrat in charge of releasing funding for all buildings in the district (education/government, etc.). The one on the right is the senior

engineer who will approve our architectural plans, etc.
We have the land, the funding, the architect, and the builder.
most important part is our big sister organization, the Naandi Foundation (www.naandi.org) whose staff have vast experience with over a thousand schools in India. They will support this entire construction operation. Thank you, Naandi!
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